A certified Digital Public Good (DPG)
Working towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
The Digital Public Goods Alliance certified Primero as a DPG in 2022 and 2023. What does that mean? It confirms that Primero adheres to public good principles and best pratices and directly contributes to Sustainable Development Goals / 2030 agenda.
Proudly Open Source
Making Primero widely available - cost-effectively and efficiently - for the greater good
Primero is envisioned as a digital public good, and has been developed according to the Principles for Digital Development. Primero is made available on GitHub under the GNU Affero GPL 3 license. Please read the Terms of Use and check out our documentation, release notes, demo instance and community forum on the Primero Support Hub. If you are interested in contributing to the project, see our Guide to Submitting Code.
Privacy and Security by Design
Guided by the Do No Harm, Need to Know, Informed Consent and Best Interest of the Child principles
Data about vulnerable children and survivors of violence can be securely and confidentially shared in order to promote wellbeing and access to services. Role-based permissions ensure "need to know" access to sensitive data. Learn more about Primero's security features on our YouTube channel.
Self-Service Configuration
Primero can be easily configured without the support of a technology company
Primero promotes autonomy. Programme Teams can select a template from a library and then work to contextualize forms, roles, lookups, reports, languages, logos and locations through a user-friendly interface. When they are happy with their configuration, they can update their live site. See a Primero v2 configuration demo here.
Online and Offline Availability
Primero is a progressive web application (PWA) working both offline and online
Primero combines the best of web and mobile applications. It works in all modern browsers and on any type of a device (mobile, tablet, laptop). Without compromising the user experience, with new features for low connectivity settings, Primero can be used by social service workers on-the-go, wherever they are.
Interoperability and Integrations
Sharing data safely is key to ensuring timely and effective services
Connecting digital systems can help optimize programmes for security, efficiency, confidentiality and accountability. Primero's approach to implementing interoperability focuses on achieving better coordination, less duplication, and better response times, while adhering to the need to know principle. Integrations are fully auditable and promote accountability to data subjects as well as better outcomes for children and survivors or violence.
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