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    The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veteran and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) in collaboration with 14 government ministries, institutions and NGO networks officially launched the Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS) in 2021, which aims to consolidate key child protection related data in one platform accessible to relevant stakeholders, both government and NGOs. The CPIMS is a key component of the national child protection system, enabling the collection of comprehensive data to advance accountability and inform national policy and programming. Guided by the monitoring framework, it provides data on 50 indicators across 5 domains.


    Hear from Primero's Technical Lead, Robert MacTavish, as he tells us about Primero's unique features and wide-reaching impact in this exclusive interview!

    Primero's first Ministry of Education imlementation in United Arab Emirates!


    40+ national child protection specialists in the UAE were trained on Primero - the first of its kind where the Ministry of Education has initated an integrated approach to support families and children and respond to the needs of vulnerable children within schools. (Linkedin, Twitter)

    Djbouti is working towards strengthening their child protection systems with Primero


     Une avancée significative dans le cadre du renforcement du système de protection de l’enfance à Djibouti à travers la mise en place du système de gestion des cas informatisé CPIMS+ PRIMERO. (Facebook, Twitter)


    Ethiopia's MoWSA and UNICEF launched Primero/CPIMS+ on May 31 2024.


    "Information is power, and the right information will help social workers promptly assist children in need of protection" - Ergogie Tesfaye, Minister of Women and Social Affairs


    As we mark two years since the start of the war in Ukraine, the nations most vulnerable children continue to face unimaginable dangers and hardships. Over 500 case workers and managers from 75+ organizations have been using Primero to register and facilitate case management services for thousands of children.


    Primero v1 was originally launched with inter agency partners and the government and was v2 launched with the government on November 15 2023.


    Save the Children and our partners reached a remarkable milestone of facilitating 7,000 family reunifications in South Sudan over the past 8 years. To do this, we used CPIMS+ which exemplifies how technology can revolutionize child protection efforts in both humanitarian and development contexts.

    T4D Preparedness (Restricted)


    Listen to UNICEF's ICTD T4D Preparedness to help ICT Staff become better informed about the most commonly used digital tools. View also the brown bag for ICTD staff from July 2022. Permission must be granted by UNICEF to access this recording.


    Aujourd’hui à l’occasion de la #JEA2023, l’UNICEF et le @MASEF ont signé un mémorandum d’entente pour le déploiement de PRIMERO en Mauritanie : une plateforme révolutionnaire conçue pour faciliter la gestion efficace des cas individuels de protection.


    Ce site web a été mis en place par la Direction Nationale de la Promotion de L’Enfant et de la Famille, avec le soutien technique et financier des partenaires de la protection de l’enfant.



    Digital public goods (DPGs) are becoming critical levers for advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report discusses emerging insights related to their sustainability, replicability and partnerships, including Primero.


    Thanks to the support of the UK in Somalia, UNICEF and the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family of the Republic of Somaliland (MESAF), child protection systems and services have been able to be strengthened in Somaliland. There are now 8 help desks and Primero. View also on UNICEF Facebook and Twitter.


    Protection de l’enfant : un atelier de planification pour la mise en place d’un système informatisé de gestion des cas d’enfants à travers la plateforme CPIMS+ Primero.


    In 2022 countries increasingly recognised and implemented digital public goods as part of their digital transformations. Read this report which includes Primero case studies. View also on UNICEF Twitter.


    Using Primero, the National Authority for the Protection of Children’s Rights and Adoption is enabled to rapidly identify, register and monitor all children coming from Ukraine to Romania, either when temporarily living in the country or simply transiting. View also on UNICEF Twitter.


    UNICEF Romania team held a brown bag (restricted) on Primero and the progress on the rollout for arriving Ukrainian children who require social services and support. Permission must be granted by UNICEF to access this recording.


    Zanzibar is now using Primero information management system.
    Through coordination between UNICEF Tanzania and the Government, Primero was launched as a standardized, comprehensive, web-based system to more effectively support child protection.


    Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) HE Themba Masuku officially launched Primero on the 3rd June 2022. View also on the Times of Eswatini and through our partner Bantwana World Education Initative.



    "Primero, especially the mobile app, makes it easier to manage cases. I can check my notes at any time. I can also immediately continue to handle new cases that have been assigned to me via Primero by the coordinator at the office. I gain a lot of time as I can stay out in the field and don’t have to return to the office first to get the files.”"  


    - Ibu Soraya, case worker, Gowa Regency, Indonesia


    Read more in this EAPRO Primero Brief 2023 2022 (restricted) and view on Twitter by UNICEF and DED Fayaz King. Permission must be granted by UNICEF to access this report.


    Last week, social service workes in Nyarugusu, Nduta & Mtendeli refugee camps in Tanzania received training on Primero/ChildProtection case management info. system v2.


    Trinidad and Tobago launched Primero and the programme brings together UNICEF and the Children’s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago under the UN Spotlight Initiative, a global programme with generous support from the European Union, which seeks to reduce gender-based and family violence. The Authority will now be able to offer better quality support to children who need it most, linking with key national systems to facilitate coordination with other partners such as the police, judiciary and social service agencies. Confidentiality, data protection and knowledge sharing will also improve. View also on UNICEF, Instagram and on Facebook.


    With funding from the Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund, IRC created the Gender-Based Violence Case Management Outcomes Scales which are now embedded in GBVIMS+.


    Today, the Government of Papua New Guinea launched Primero, an innovative online and offline case and information management system to protect vulnerable children and women and survivors of violence. The launch and rollout of Primero is supported by the Spotlight Initiative, a partnership between the European Union and the United Nations to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. View also UNICEF's Press Release.


    Guatemala es un país de origen, tránsito, destino y retorno de migrantes y solicitantes de asilo, debido a su ubicación geográfica y por sus altos índices de pobreza, acceso limitado a servicios y por ser uno de los países más violentos de la región.


    The Regional Health 8th Office, Ministry of Public Health and UNICEF signed an agreement to launch Primero, an innovative web platform for case management, in an Udon Thani Provincial hospital. View also on Aseannow.


    Access the Primero Annual Meeting microsite which includes key outcomes, outputs, recordings and presentations.


    The Federal Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development, in partnership with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), launched today an online Child Protection Information Management System (CPIMS+) to enhance the protection of the most vulnerable children in Somalia.


    The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MOGCSP) today launched a series of powerful, modern tools and standards, equipping social workers in Ghana to better provide integrated social services to vulnerable children and their families. View also on Ghanaweb.


    The new cloud-based Primero X is being piloted in Ghana, with expected releases in dozens of countries by 2022. Now UNICEF, Microsoft and Quoin have addressed all those obstacles with Primero X, streamlining the Microsoft Azure-based platform as a progressive web application and software as a service (SaaS). As a result, staff on the ground are poised to serve even more.


    UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, defend their rights, and help them fulfill their potential. Faced with an ever-evolving global child protection landscape and ever-increasing child protection needs, the organization wanted to expand the adoption of Primero—its case management tool. The new Primero X is now a digital, open-source case management tool that delivers a streamlined Azure-based platform as a progressive web application and software as a service (SaaS). Built with leading edge security features, Primero X helps improve data collection, allows case workers to be truly mobile and advances best practices for child protection services. View also the UNICEF Executive Director Twitter and UNICEF's Press Release.

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    Primero is live in Cambodia


    (ភ្នំពេញ)៖ ក្រសួងសង្គមកិច្ច អតីតយុទ្ធជន និងយុវនីតិសម្បទា បានរៀបចំពិធីប្រកាសដាក់ឲ្យប្រើប្រាស់ជាផ្លូវការនូវប្រព័ន្ធគ្រប់គ្រងករណីតាមបែបបច្ចេកវិទ្យាពីម៉ារ៉ូ (PRIMERO) នៅថ្ងៃទី២២ ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០២០ នាសណ្ឋាគារសាន់វ៉េ រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ។.


    Primero is managed by the Ministry for the Promotion of Women and Child Protection, and was developed at the request of stakeholders involved in child protection. The idea behind this innovation, supported by UNICEF with funding from the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), is to improve the case management system for vulnerable children and harmonize interventions.


    Primero is managed by the Ministry for the Promotion of Women and Child Protection, and was developed at the request of stakeholders involved in child protection. The idea behind this innovation, supported by UNICEF with funding from the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), is to improve the case management system for vulnerable children and harmonize interventions.


    Get to know the GBVIMS and GBVIMS+ and listen in to a podcast by our inter-agency partners and the GBV Technical Team.


    A new app launched in South Sudan on Friday aims to help aid workers reunite thousands of children with their families after they became separated during a five-year war and identify other vulnerable children. CPIMS+ went live in South Sudan on June 7th.


    But in 2019, half a decade since that fateful day that changed their lives, Nyandor became the 6,000th child to have been reunited with their family in South Sudan. The reunion was like a scene from a movie. Nyandor and her siblings, after a long and tiresome journey, rushed out of the car into their mother’s embrace. Emmanuela touched her children’s faces, not quite believing that they were finally together. Everyone was in tears of joy; their friends and neighbours singing and cheering them on.


    Six months after an earthquake and tsunami devastated Indonesia's Sulawesi, 118 children are still officially registered as "missing." UNICEF New Zealand's Ethan Donnell examines ongoing efforts to find lost children and reunite them with their families and how Primero has facilitated family tracing and reunification in Indonesia. View also in UNICEF Indonesia Blog Febuary 2019 and UNICEF Indonesia Blog Oct 2018.


    UNICEF, in partnership with Lutheran World Federation (LWF), is using a Child Protection Information Management System to capture and manage cases of children at risk in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement. Through the efficiency afforded by the system, Sarah Mzee was rescued from child marriage and her family provided with a safe place to live away from the perpetrators.
    The video also highlights “children in a digital world”, a focus of UNICEF’s latest flagship report, the State of the World’s Children. Whilst most children in Africa are not online, UNICEF is using digital technologies to positively influence them in other ways.


    Primero is an open source technology platform enabling governments, aid agencies and social service workers to provide life-saving services and conduct case management for most vulnerable children was launched by key players in the humanitarian sector including UNFPA, UNHCR, the International Medical Corps, International Rescue Committee, and UNICEF in February 2017. Primero was created as a case management tool that enables social workers in the field to manage children displaced by conflict and provide them with a means to access basic services including family reunification in their host communities.

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