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Looking after the little ones in Papua New Guinea

CPIMS+ goes live in support of the Lukautim Pikinini Act

June 3, 2021

Rising to the challenge in PNG

Violence, including physical, sexual and emotional violence as well as neglect, is a daily reality for most children in Papua New Guinea, making them feel unsafe in their very own homes and communities. After years of concerted effort and focused partnership, Papua New Guinea is taking another major step towards realizing the promise of Lukautim Pikinini, the groundbreaking Child Protection Act passed in 2015. This comprehensive law was designed to provide broad protections for children and prevent and respond to violence, exploitation, neglect and abuse. It represents a major accomplishment. It also presents major challenges to duty bearers that are tasked with implementing it.

“Our vision is to protect children, women and families by creating a comprehensive protection system. This is in line with the provisions of the LPA, the CPP and National GBV Strategy that my Ministry administers.” 

Wake Goi, Minister of Community Development, Papau New Guinea

Producing a lasting, structural change requires a multifacted approach. To strengthen the child protection system and reinforce the social welfare workforce in PNG, the Department of Community Development and the Office of the Child and Family Services (OCSF), in collaboartion of UNICEF and other UN agencies, came together around a strategy. By aligning the implementation of the Lukautim Pikinini Act (LPA), the Child Protection Policy (CPP) and the National Gender Based Violence (GBV) Strategy, the country's main protection and social welfare stakehodlers are able to focus on integrated services and programme effectiveness. Backed by an improved data management strategy - including the rollout of the CPIMS+/Primero - this integrated approach aims to reach more vulnerable children and survivors of violence with better quality services. “This will open up important opportunities for the Government and development partners to maximize use of resources, foster collaboration across sectors, and to accelerate achievement of results," said UN Resident Coordinator, Gianluca Rampolla.

“Primero is a very important milestone for the country. First and foremost, it will help us to understand better the extent to which violence affects children and families in PNG, an area where data is scarce.  Primero will make children and women visible and will provide the missing evidence for planning and for increased and actual budget allocation to prevention and response services for survivors of violence.” 

Simon Yanis, Director, Office of Children and Family Services, Papua New Guinea

"Government launches comprehensive protection management system for social welfare workforce in PNG"

On 28 May 2021, stakeholders from across PNG gathered to celebrate the launch of CPIMS+/Primero. It has been a long journey, bringing together social workers, policy makers and civil society actors. The launch and rollout of Primero is being supported by European Union through the EU-UN Spotlight Initiative, a partnership between European Union and United Nations to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. Important steps on a long journey.

Click on the image to to view the full launch event broadcast on 28 May 2021 on FaceBook Live.